Brave Search now offers Search Ads on a managed service basis. Brave Search Ads. Here’s what Brave announced: Ads are sold on a cost-per-click basis. Rates are negotiated on a fixed basis before paid campaigns launch. Eligible brands can get up to 14 days of complimentary advertising. What Brave Search Ads look like. Here’s a
LinkedIn has reduced the size of link preview images for organic posts, while maintaining larger preview images for sponsored content. Why it matters. The change aims to encourage more native posting on LinkedIn and could prompt more users and brands to pay for sponsored posts to retain larger link previews. Why we care. The change
Google is having some technical difficulties this morning with its news engine. Google News, the news tab in Google Search, Google Discover, Google Trends and other Google services that use news publications, are currently not returning results for many searchers. The issue I believe started a couple of hours ago but is now getting worse
Understanding all the features of Google Analytics 4 (GA4) is essential to making the most of it. Doing so allows you to configure the tool to analyze data accurately and efficiently. It also lets you draw the best conclusions for designing, refocusing and defining your digital strategies. GA4 users can configure many functionalities, including custom
Conversion is usually preceded by several interactions with a website or an app. Attribution determines the role of each touchpoint in driving conversions and assigns credit for sales to interactions in conversion paths. Therefore, it’s crucial to understand attribution in Google Analytics 4 (GA4). (If you are new to attribution, read the Google Analytics help
SEO today is more complex and challenging than at any other point. Once upon a time, not too long ago, links were the most important thing in SEO. But is that still true? This article will examine the significance of link SEO today. It will include various perspectives within the industry, analyze empirical evidence and
Acquiring new customers is crucial for any business, but it’s challenging in today’s crowded digital landscape. Google Ads’ new customer acquisition (NCA) feature can help. This tool is designed to reach and convert prospects who have never engaged with your business. However, using NCA effectively requires a strategic approach. Simply enabling it won’t automatically deliver
TikTok is testing a new 60-minute video upload limit, which could unlock new content possibilities for brands, marketers and content creators. Why we care. TikTok is already a powerful discovery engine, but the ability to upload 60-minute videos opens up TikTok’s potential as a platform to host long-form branded video content – rather than breaking
The Department of Justice’s laid out a damning case against Google in the antitrust lawsuit closing argument. Search Engine Land Managing Editor Danny Goodwin highlighted some of the damaging evidence – including how Google has been increasing costs for advertisers – in How Google harms search advertisers in 20 slides In light of the revelations,
While the concept of entities for SEO has been around since 2012, it hasn’t been a widely adopted in PPC. Entities are essentially unique people, places, things or concepts that provide context and relationships for keywords.  As AI becomes more prevalent in digital marketing, incorporating an entity-based approach into your PPC campaigns is a way