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You want to know a truth about content marketing: nobody cares about your product or service

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One of the truths of content marketing , cruel as it sounds, is that nobody cares what your startup sells.

Annie Spratt vía Unsplash

“If your purpose is to create a content marketing strategy, you must know that your customers do not care what you sell, so you must focus your content on their needs, their desires, how they can solve them, letting them know that they are earning something. There are several techniques that help you to modify your content focused on your product to talk about the needs and benefits of your potential clients and acquired clients ”, comments Jorge González, partner of G2 consulting firm specialized in strategies for startups and scaleups.

For example, Semrush conducted a survey of 1500 marketing agencies for B2C and B2C companies in 2021, the results of the survey indicate that 84% declare having a content marketing strategy, 11% declare that content marketing is excellent as a strategy, 76% of companies have teams of at least 3 people for the development and execution of the strategy (which is not little) and 61% measure the ROI that Content Marketing brings.

Doing a content marketing strategy in the right way will allow you to have good results, remember that the content must show how your product or service fits into the daily life of your target audience, solves their problems, satisfies their needs, helps to achieve their goals or has an impact on your daily life. For this, at G2 Consultores we give you the following recommendations:

Stop focusing your content on the product / service and do it on the customer: in the past, companies carried out marketing strategies based on the product or service; The information that the potential customer received is information about how unique and spectacular it was and they encouraged them to buy something that the user did not necessarily require. Currently, people are more than informed about what the market offers, who has the best prices, they know what they offer and what not, basically they have already made a purchase decision and want to persuade them that you are the best, rather than consider it as a favorable strategy, it will be intrusive to them. Do not do it…

Develop content talking about the problems and needs that this market niche suffers and educate them about the possible solutions that exist, in a very subtle way you are letting them know that you are an expert on the subject and that you know how to solve it, you are doing an exercise in persuasion .

The best formula for this is:

  1. Define who you are going to write to, for this you must be clear about their problems, needs and desires of your ideal clients. Write each line of text with specific benefits for your audience in mind.
  2. Always ask why. Any content that you create should revolve around a why, that is, always think about why you are writing it and why it is important to your clients or potential clients.
  3. Reread your content before publishing it and think if it reflects what your potential clients and clients are looking for, if you add value to it so that they feel persuaded to take a next step and choose you over your competitors.

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