
3 Things to Do If Your Google Rankings Drop (Don’t Wait! Use These SEO Strategies Immediately!)

You may have some high Google rankings at the moment, but eventually, you are going to lose them. The question is just when.
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When this happens here is what you should do:

1. Log into Google Search Console – through Search Console you can see what pages lost traffic. It shows you which pages are going up and going down over time.

Now that you know what page has lost traffic, Google the terms that the page is ranking for and look at the top sites who currently rank. What are they doing differently than you? How does their content compare to yours?

2. Adjust your pages – Google Search Console will show a list of keywords your page used to rank for. Integrate those keywords onto your page and make your content more thorough.

You can’t just stuff in keywords, it needs to flow naturally.

3. Double check your meta tags – make sure your keywords are within your title tag and meta description.

Once you have done that, submit your URL to Search Console again, they will crawl it, and within a few weeks, you should get more search traffic and higher rankings.

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