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4 Smart Ways to Write Dynamic Sales Copy (Without Actually Writing a Single Word)

7 min read

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Let’s face it, no business owner likes writing copy. But unless you’re lucky enough to have a copywriter on your team, chances are you’re stuck penning your own emails, sales letters and ads.

The trouble is, this can be a tedious and time-consuming task. And focusing on anything else but your zone of genius takes away precious time -— time you could be devoting to growing your business and bottom line.

So, in this article, I’ll show you four powerful strategies to make your copy bring in more sales without having to “write” a single word. Let’s take a look:

1. Leverage social proof

One of the best ways to write copy that brings in more sales without “writing” anything yourself is using testimonials and social proof. Here’s how this works.

Let’s say you’re selling health supplements on Amazon. Customers leave reviews of your product, right? Well, a great idea is to read them thoroughly, find out what they like about your supplement and use that in your copy.

As business owners, we often only see the products from our point of view, which can make for low-impact copy. But using the exact words of customers means the text will likely resonate more. The good news is — the copy is ready for you there, and you don’t have to create it.

Using testimonials, reviews and other forms of social proof is one of the easiest ways to write high-converting copy because that’s what your ideal customer wants. Not to mention, it saves a lot of time. But don’t just focus on the positive reviews. Explore the negative ones as well, because they’ll give you feedback and important information, which you can later use to address customer objections. Or, alternatively, you can make your product better on the basis of that information.

In a nutshell, by leveraging social proof, your clients/customers are writing the copy for you.

Related: 18 Ways to Use ‘Social Proof’ to Boost Your Marketing

2. Harness the power of deep research

Eagle-eyed readers might be saying, “But isn’t social proof research? Haven’t we already talked about this?” Well, yes, we have. Social proof is research, but we can go much deeper, and not just explore testimonials but also niche-specific forums, scientific publications and more.

The idea behind this exercise is to find your ideal client/customer’s language — the exact words and jargon they use to describe their pain points. For instance, if they want to make money online, they might be searching for the following phrases:

  • How can I make $100 a day?

  • How can I make fast money online?

  • X# ways you can make money online right now.

  • Best websites to make money online.

  • X# legitimate ways to make money from home.

Related: 7 Not-Very-Mysterious Ways Online Entrepreneurs Make Money

By running these keywords on Google, you’ll be able to see what your ideal client is looking for. Dig deep into the first 10-20 results to discover what their struggles and pain points are. Make sure you use the exact same words and phrases they’re using, and build your copy following that research.

In short, you’re writing better copy that brings in more sales without actually having to write extra words. You’re simply changing your customers’ messaging to make it more effective and feel like you’re inside their heads.

3. Create a specific buyers’ list

Most entrepreneurs send the same email to every person on their list, whether they’re a new reader who’s not yet spent a single cent, or a decade-long customer who’s spent thousands. This is a huge mistake because the first type of subscriber would need a lot more “warming up” to start buying, while the second type is already in “buy” mode.

The way to deal with this effectively is to create a specific buyers’ list. By doing that, you have just one aim — to ensure you’re sending the right message to the right people, rather than bombarding every follower or customer with the same message.

Why is this an effective strategy? Because you’re tailoring your content to the buyers’ specific needs. By doing that, you’re hitting their pain points in the right way. One of the easiest ways to do that is to segment your email list.

For example, much of the success of BuzzFeed’s email marketing was due to segmentation. The company was originally known as a creator of quizzes and listicles. But later, it harnessed the power of email marketing automation and segmentation.

Today, BuzzFeed has developed more than 25 different email newsletters. Each of them caters to the specific interests of their subscribers, such as Food, Health and Beauty, Parents, BuzzFeed News, Pets and Animals, etc. However, you don’t need 25 different lists. Segmenting yours into just buyers and non-buyers is a simple way to ensure you’re using the right messaging with the right people.

Related: These 3 Big Companies Are Crushing It With Email Marketing

In other words, don’t be afraid to segment your buyers into specific categories. It takes some effort, but in the end, they will thank you for the personal approach by opening their wallets more often.

4. Repurpose your content

Most business owners already have enough content, and they rarely need to create more from scratch. Instead, they can use the power of repurposing to come up with fresh content at the drop of a hat. Here’s how this approach works:

Find posts, landing pages, videos or emails that have performed well for you in the past. By doing that, you’re almost certain they’re going to be a hit again. Then, repurpose them to other channels.

For example, let’s say you’ve written a long email that has had great open and response rates. You can use that same email and share it with your audience on Facebook. Or you can divide it into a few posts for or . (These need to be shorter, because those platforms have character limitations.)

Another great idea is to re-publish all your blog posts on LinkedIn as articles. At the end of each, you can leave a link to the original post, so your readers can visit your . You can also re-share tweets on your Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn stories. Or you can combine a few of them and create a video, which you can share on every platform that supports video.

In other words, the list of opportunities to repurpose content is endless. And it usually takes less than five minutes to do, which again basically means you’re not “writing” anything.

Related: 4 Ideas for Repurposing Your Brand’s Content

Be smart with your strategy

, and copywriting in particular, is one of the best ways to expand your business. I just showed you four effective strategies with which you can bring in more sales without writing a single word. Put each of them to use, and you will see a substantial bump in your business and bottom line.


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