Google now lets you link your Google Merchant Center account with your Google Analytics 4 property. Plus, Google added that you can now “see your conversions from free product listings by connecting your Merchant Center and Google Analytics property.” What is new. On February 1st, we reported that Google added auto-tagging to your free Merchant
Technical search engine optimization (SEO) for large enterprise companies is much different from traditional SEO because they often have complex, advanced infrastructure along with numerous integrations and dependencies. SEO professionals seeking to work with enterprise clients should be adept at technical SEO and require overlapping competencies in related disciplines. But here’s the problem. SEO experts
One of the most common questions about SEO is “how much does SEO cost?” And to be honest, it can be tough to answer.  So many variables go into SEO costs. Some are obvious, while some are not. With SEO, it comes down to getting what you pay for, like most things in life.  SEO
If your 2022 goals include: Discovering time-saving martech solutions Sharpening your marketing skills Executing delightful customer experiences Increasing customer loyalty Humanizing marketing automation … you literally can’t afford to miss MarTech, online March 29-30. Why? Aside from being FREE, you’ll get all of this… Access to 35+ market-defining solution providers that can help you mine valuable first-party data, streamline marketing operations,
We know Google wants to reward content and entities (like organizations and brands) that demonstrate high levels of expertise, authoritativeness and trust (E-A-T). We also know Google advises us to become familiar with its quality rater guidelines, especially when it comes to broad core algorithm updates. What we don’t know with 100% certainty is how
I was born a salesperson. Growing up in Texas, my dad had me working at Trader’s Village, selling everything from belt buckles to hat pins (and every other trinket you can imagine). You didn’t have to know much about the product. You just needed to know how to haggle pricing. Selling SEO services is different.
“Content has become the primary tool that we use to create a dialogue with our prospects and to cultivate relationships with our customers online,” said Stephen Rahal, director of product marketing at Coveo, at SMX Next. “That content must be relevant and valuable. It also must be interactive to win their attention and draw them
A new podcast episode has caught the attention of Danny Sullivan, Google’s search liaison. Via Twitter, Sullivan called out the host (a politician who made an unsuccessful run for president in 2020) and his guest (a professor) for badly misunderstanding how personalization works in Google search. Ramesh Srinivasan, a UCLA professor and author of books