Month: June 2023

Microsoft is reviewing different ways to implement conversational AI within the Microsoft advertising platform, Kya Sainsbury-Carter, corporate vice president of Microsoft advertising, told Greg Finn yesterday at SMX Advanced. That’s one thing we learned yesterday from the keynote, which explored how conversational AI might radically change search marketing. From higher CTRs to increased ROIs to
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. As humans, storytelling is ingrained in our nature, from ancient cave paintings to modern social media. In today’s business world, storytelling is essential to create a deeper connection with the audience. It goes beyond product promotion, helps build trust and emotional connection, and drives sales. Let’s explore
Subscribe to the HubSpot Marketing YouTube for more tips! What if I told you that you can make thousands of dollars every month by sending a weekly email? Businesses just like HubSpot start an email newsletter program to attract subscribers and convert them into paying customers. Here’s what makes email newsletters such an efficient marketing
Google has filed a lawsuit to dissuade scammers from using Google Maps and Business Profiles to post fake businesses and fake reviews. Google said “bad actors posted more than 350 fraudulent Business Profiles and tried to bolster them with more than 14,000 fake reviews. The lawsuit. You can find the court document over here that
Learn more on The Power of Advertising Slogans Here: What’s the goal of a great tagline? To leave a clear, memorable message in a customer’s mind. But coming up with a powerful tagline is harder than it looks. Learn what makes a great tagline and how they can impact your brand: Think small,
Get found on Facebook, Google Business Profile & more – — Marketing 360® is the #1 Marketing Platform® for Small Business. It has everything you need from design, to marketing, to CRM. Powered by Madwire® – voted one of the Nation’s Best Places to Work by Glassdoor in 2016, 2017, and 2018! Follow Us:
Cuando piensas en la palabra influencer, imaginas a un creador de contenidos con cientos de miles de seguidores en redes sociales promocionando un producto de marca. Algunas de las marcas más grandes del mundo se asocian con personas influyentes todos los días porque es una oportunidad única para conectarse con nuevas audiencias. Es una estrategia